A spread from the RPS Journal January-March 2024.

‘Eroding Franco’ & the RPS

10 March, 2024

We’re happy to announce the feature of in the Royal Photographic Society’s Journal for the January-March 2024 issue. This project by Jordi Jon Pardo delves into the indelible mark left by Franco’s regime on Spain’s landscapes and the ongoing struggle with desertification. With support from institutions like the National Geographic Society, The Royal Photographic Society, and Photographic Social Vision, ‘Eroding Franco’ still waves a narrative that ties today’s environmental crisis with historical actions. In the RPS interview, Jordi Jon speaks to the core of his work, highlighting historical decisions’ environmental impact and repercussions. He reveals his photographic journey, which began with a deep dive into Spanish press coverage of desertification and evolved into a profound exploration of environmental and societal issues.

‘Eroding Franco’As you know, through ‘Eroding Franco,’ Jordi Jon seeks to bridge the gap between historical environmental decisions and current ecological challenges. With meticulous research in scientific archives and contemporary photography, he aims to reveal the intimate connections between historical actions and their ongoing repercussions.

Stay tuned as we continue to share impactful stories on Spain’s desertification and foster discussions on environmental sustainability and historical legacies through powerful visual journalism.